Cover Design – $529
Despite the adage to never judge a book by its cover, readers do. If your cover doesn’t intrigue readers, they’re not going to pick up your book. That’s why we have a team of professional designers who are dedicated to working with you to create a cover that’ll help sell your book.
With a book cover, the goal is to create an initial spark of curiosity that will inspire readers to take a closer look. To be effective, your cover needs to be distinctive, interesting, and genre-specific.
To get to that point, you’ll start by completing a questionnaire that provides our designers with specific direction for the creation of your cover concepts.
You’ll be able to choose the cover concept you like best and provide any changes you would like made. Our designers will then work with you through three complimentary rounds of revisions to turn your chosen concept into the final design.
Once you’ve finalized the front cover and interior of your book, we’ll design the back cover and spine to the printer’s specifications, placing all the necessary elements, such as your back cover copy, logos, and bar code.
To view examples of covers we’ve created, click on the images below. Be sure to view the cover design examples page in our Author Learning Center to see even more.
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