Selling your book directly to a reader is usually accomplished through your website. Why sell direct when you have distribution through other retailers? Two reasons: the ability to offer your readers special promo codes and the chance to increase your book royalties.

How Does Selling Direct Work?

You can process books orders on your own website yourself or use a company, like Mill City Press, to do it for you.

If you do it yourself, you’ll be in charge of housing your inventory, as well as packing and shipping all orders. That can take a lot of time, effort, and physical space. Not to mention, you’re responsible for figuring out taxes on each of those sales.

If you use a service, it functions similarly, except someone else does the work. And because you only pay the wholesale price of the book and a few other fees (e.g., credit card processing, “pick and pack,” and/or storage), your total earnings are often higher than selling a copy in a store or online. Even better, if your book is print-on-demand, with Mill City Press, you don’t even need to have an inventory at a warehouse.

How Mill City Press Helps

Mill City Press is able to handle selling direct for you, using a warehouse that specializes in storing and shipping books, so you know your inventory’s in good hands. Learn more about our direct-to-reader sales page service.

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