There’s no denying that the internet has made researching much more efficient. Whether it’s researching a topic for a school paper, looking for the best lasagna recipe, or deciding which book to read next, people are now able to find their answers much faster than in the past. This is the very reason why it’s crucial for authors to have a professional author website design.

For any business, a website can offer prospective customers the first look at what their product or service is all about. Think of yourself as a business person. Yes, you are an author, but your whole goal of publishing a book is to have others buy it and share in your creation. Now more than ever, people are choosing to stay at home rather than go to the bookstore to look up their next great read. So if you don’t have an author website, how are they ever going to find you? Sites like are a great means to promote your book, and we don’t discourage you from using them. However, these sites are not personal, and list only the basics about your book. But an author website…well, that’s a different story.

An author website is a great marketing tool that allows you to tell your prospective readers about your book and yourself. The best part is that your author website design doesn’t need to be incredibly elaborate, and you don’t have to worry about setting it up yourself! At Mill City Press, we have professional staff members that are experts at this stuff. We offer four different author website design levels, so you can make yours as simple or elaborate as you want. No matter which level you choose, there are a few basic things that every author website should have. These include the following pages: book synopsis/description, about the author, contact info, and where to buy the book. With Mill City Press, you can also develop your own personal sales page that you can link to your website so you don’t have to worry about paying additional third party retailer fees.

For authors who want to go all out and create a dynamic, in-depth author website design, that’s fantastic as well!  There are so many things you can do to enhance your website, including adding links to your social media sites, creating a blog spot, adding reviews you’ve received, and more. One thing to keep in mind when you are putting together the content for a website is that it needs to be clean and should represent the general concept of your book. It doesn’t  make much sense to have a background of rubber chickens if that has nothing to do with your book: if your book is about comedy this would fly, but for a romance novel, rubber chickens are probably a bad idea. Also, you don’t want to clutter your pages with tons of text that your viewers will have to dig through. Sometimes brevity is better!

Whatever you choose, simple or elaborate design, an author website is definitely a must! Take a look at some examples of our author website designs and learn more about our services at our Author Website Page.

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