Ever wondered how you could support your favorite authors beyond reading their books? Finding ways to support your favorite authors isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Indie books and authors need your help, so we’ve compiled a list of eight ways. Bet you can do one of these today.

1. Buy Direct

Does your favorite author offer an option to buy the book directly from her? Buying direct is often the best way to put more money in the author’s pocket—which keeps her writing—because it removes the third-party retailer, which takes a cut from the profit. If you want to help out indie authors, buying direct is the ultimate show of support.

2. Buy Strategically Online

If you don’t buy direct (perhaps your favorite author doesn’t have a direct-to-reader sales page?), one option to help is to buy the book in conjunction with other books. When you buy these books together—especially if they’re within the same genre—it helps the book appear on “also bought” lists, which increases visibility across the retailer’s website.

3. Order the Book from Your Local Indie Bookstore

If you want to keep it local, your indie bookstore can help. The bookstore might not carry the book of your favorite author, but they can get it for you. By requesting the book and showing interest, you help create demand for the book, which can help get it in the hands of new readers.

If you’re looking for the ebook version, many bookstores partner with Kobo Books to offer you the widest selection possible. If your favorite author doesn’t distribute to Kobo, encourage him to!

4. Request the Book at the Library

Like ordering the book from your local indie bookstore, requesting it at the library can help put it in front of new readers. Libraries usually have the access to the same wholesalers that indie bookstores do and would be able to get your favorite author’s book.

Books need an ISBN to be included in the library, so if the book you’re requesting is ebook only, make sure it has one before requesting.

5. Leave a Review on Review Sites

Reviews helps other readers find new books! And they especially help readers when the reviews are posted where they’re making the purchase—or go for recommendations from trusted sources. The most popular review sites are Amazon and Goodreads, but many online retailers have spaces for reviews.

If you’re a frequent reader, you could even consider starting your own book blog, where you post reviews. Reviews can be cross-posted to different sites, so you can write one review and post it multiple places.

6. Go to Events

If your favorite author is hosting an event, get out and support her! Even better? Bring a friend. At events, you can get your book signed or (if you don’t have one already) purchase a copy. If the author is having a Q&A as part of her event, prepare a few questions to ask. It’ll open the door for others to ask their questions, too.

7. Give Their Books as Gifts

Know someone else who loves books as much as you do? Give your favorite author’s book(s) to other people as gifts. Not only does it help the author because you’ve bought his books, but it also puts the book in someone else’s hands… who may become as much of a fan as you are. Then you can go to events together!

If you can, buy the books direct from the author. If not, use one of the ideas here: go local with an indie bookstore or buy strategically online.

8. Talk About Their Books on Social Media

In much the same way that reviews help other readers find new books, talking about books and authors on social media helps spread the word. The best way to do this, without blasting everyone with unsolicited and unwelcome recommendations, is to work it into natural conversations or respond to questions about what to read.

You can talk about which books you’re reading, link to your reviews on other sites, and connect with other readers who love books as much as you do. Who knows—you might find new books and authors to love and support while you’re at it.

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