1. The Dream Stage.

You have a dream of writing and becoming an author, but you just don’t know where to begin.

2. The Idea Stage.

You actually have a really good idea–and other people tell you it is–but you’re not sure how to develop it.

3. The Message Stage.

You have an incredible message and you can’t help but think, “This would make a great book, but how do I develop this message into a book?\”

4. The Journal/Notes Stage.

For years you’ve written in a notebook or journal. You have pages and pages of great writing, but how do you trim it down to a single book?

5. The Unfinished Stage.

You’ve started your book, but somewhere along the way you quit or gave up. How do you restart the dream and finish it?

6. The Unedited Stage.

You have a finished manuscript, but you know it needs to be edited.

7. The Payment Stage.

You are finished writing and the only thing you lack is a way to pay for your dream to become reality.

Which one is yours stuck in? There is a way to break free if your future book is stuck in one of these seven stages. Refocus on your passion, hone in on your dream. You can do this! Whenever you’re ready, we’re here and ready to partner with you to help publish your book.

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