11 Bookish Twitter Accounts You Need to Be Following
Need more people to follow on Twitter? Here are 11 to start with.
Goodreads Authors: 6 Surprising Tips for Promoting Your Book
Goodreads authors: Are you where your readers are? Promote your book effectively with these tips. Perhaps you’ll find your next book to read too.
How to Promote Your Book with Media Outreach
Need to know how to promote your book? Media outreach is a great option. Here's what you need to know before pitching to media outlets.
Why Your Book is Your New Business
When you self-publish, your book becomes your new business. Visit our blog to learn how self-publishing transforms you from writer to entrepreneur.
The Anatomy of a Good Author Website
Breaking down what makes an author website stand out.
Dos and Don’ts of Social Media for Independent Authors
Dos and Don'ts of Social Media for Independent Authors
Why Buying Reviews for Amazon Is a Terrible Idea
If you keep up with indie publishing news, you may have come across news of Amazon suing four companies that sell fake, positive reviews. These include sites like...
Tips for Marketing Your Book
Marketing your book is an essential piece of the publishing process. Visit our blog to learn tips to effectively market your book.
Picking a Domain Name for Your Author Website
Picking a domain name is a crucial step in creating your author website. To learn more about picking a domain name, visit our blog.
The Basics of Writing a Press Release
Writing a press release is a great way to announce your book's publication and inquire about potential reviews. Visit our blog to learn the basics of writing a press release.