Mill City Press Blog2020-05-18T04:13:37+00:00

Take Note: These are the Best Ways to Spend Summer as a Writer

Summer is finally here! The kids are out of school and the sun is beating down on us, but writers still have to find the time to write! While it may seem like there is so much going on, summertime is the perfect time to

By |July 10th, 2024|Creative Living|0 Comments

A Literary Summer: Five Book-Related Activities for Children

Summer. What a fantastic word to a child! School is out, it’s warm outside, and the long days are filled with nothing but fun in the sun. While many children normally fill their summer days playing on electronics, hanging with friends, or going on family

By |July 3rd, 2024|Creative Living|0 Comments

Need 5 Ideas to Promote Your Book? We’ve Got You!

Writing and producing a book is a small part of the publishing process. Promoting and marketing the finished product is also key in ensuring you see success with your self-published book. While self-publishing has made it easier to get your work out to the world,

By |May 15th, 2024|Marketing|0 Comments

Mill City Press Editorial Critique: Giving Your Manuscript an In-Depth Review

Mill City Press is excited to offer our authors multiple ways to review manuscripts published with us. While we provide a Manuscript Review—a short yet detailed work of feedback that offers authors a handful of strengths and suggested areas of improvement—there is a way to

By |April 24th, 2024|Self-Publishing|0 Comments

A Manuscript Review: Your First Step to Becoming a Published Author

At Mill City Press, we know your book deserves the best editorial experience to bring it to life. This is why our editors offer a Manuscript Review for all authors publishing with us. Through a Manuscript Review, an editor will become thoroughly acquainted with a

By |April 17th, 2024|Self-Publishing|0 Comments

What is a Trope, and Should I Use It in My Writing?

You’ve probably heard the term “trope” thrown around in discussions about storytelling and writing techniques. But what exactly is a trope, and how can you effectively use them in your writing? In this blog post, we'll explore the definition of a trope, examine how to

By |March 20th, 2024|Fiction, Writing a Book|0 Comments
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