editorial services

Mill City Press Editorial Critique: Giving Your Manuscript an In-Depth Review

Mill City Press is excited to offer our authors multiple ways to review manuscripts published with us. While we provide a Manuscript Review—a short yet detailed work of feedback that offers authors a handful of strengths and suggested areas of improvement—there is a way to give your manuscript an even more in-depth review. For authors

By |2024-04-26T19:31:33+00:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Self-Publishing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

A Manuscript Review: Your First Step to Becoming a Published Author

At Mill City Press, we know your book deserves the best editorial experience to bring it to life. This is why our editors offer a Manuscript Review for all authors publishing with us. Through a Manuscript Review, an editor will become thoroughly acquainted with a piece to provide beneficial feedback for you as an author.

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