There’s a lot going on in the self-publishing world. That’s why every Friday, we share the best of what our staff has been reading this week.

Amazon Pushing Quality Control from Elizabeth S. Craig

Beginning February 3rd, Amazon will label any “offending” books with a quality-related warning. If you’ve received an email from Amazon, you’ll want to make sure your book meets their standards.

The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2016 from The Write Life

The Write Life is back with their yearly list of 100 best websites for writers. Check it out for great resources and sites to follow.

Writing as a Business and the Magic of Dictation with Elle Casey from The Creative Penn

Ever wondered what dictation can do for you? Joanna Penn explores that (and more) with Elle Casey in her latest podcast.

Facebook Ads: One Author’s Experience from Alliance of Independent Authors

Facebook ads can be an incredibly powerful tool to reach new people, and this author outlines his experience with it.

Best Practices for Author Facebook Pages and Groups from Jane Friedman 

Got a Facebook page or group? Here’s what you need to know about using them.

The Most Important Question Authors Never Ask: The Key to Publishing Success from Where Writers Win

What is YOUR definition of publishing success?

Start Building Your Author Brand from Writers in the Storm

Your author brand is an important part of your author platform.

How to Use Either, Neither, Or, and Nor Correctly from The Write Practice

Grammar can be tough sometimes. (All the time?) The Write Practice explains how you can use either, neither, or, and nor correctly.

The Best Way to Ensure Long-Term Success as a Writer from Writing and Wellness

Writing and Wellness explains the best way to be successful long term. You won’t want to miss this article.

Happy reading, authors!

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