There’s a lot going on in the self-publishing world. That’s why every Friday we share the best of what our staff has been reading this week. Check out our suggestions below!

On Writing

Here’s How to Beat Writer’s Block and Get Back to Work from The Write Life

Got writer’s block? These tips will help you.

Book Critique ABCEs: a How-To for Authors from Kate Tilton

Here’s what you need to know about book critiques.

Getting Ready for an Edit: How to Help Your Editor and Save Money from The Book Designer

You know editing is important. But did you know you could save money? The Book Designer explains.

How to Write Funny Dialogue (What I Learned Writing Storming) from KM Weiland 

Writing dialogue is hard. Writing funny dialogue is even harder.

On Marketing

Thinking About Writing in Multiple Genres? Here’s What You Need to Know from The Book Designer

If you want to write in multiple genres, this is the article you’ll want to read.

Are Book Trailers a Marketing Must-Have? from The Write Life

Is a bad book trailer really worse than no book trailer? Find out from The Write Life.

10 Self-Published Authors Who Made it Big from The Reading Room

Are you next??

Social Media Guidelines for Newbie (& Experienced) Authors from Frances Caballo

Thinking about dipping your toes into the social media waters? Be sure to check out this post.

Insecure Writer’s Support Group: Our Author Newsletter

If you don’t have an author newsletter, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group tells you why you’ll want one.

Why Book PR Needs Lead Time. Lots of it. from Writer Unboxed

Your book PR needs a lot of lead time. A lot of it.

Time Savers for Writers from Elizabeth Spann Craig

These tips will save you marketing time.

Happy reading!

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